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Quality meets quantity, no more thinner shortages! 

Broad spectrum thinners that work great with leading enamel brands. Big bottles of both ready-made and concentrated thinners for self formulation. Never run out of thinner again, forget common airbrushing problems like nozzle clogging, flocked surface, craters or paint running. 

Alternative airbrush thinner for enamel model paints

Perfect base coat decides the outcome! With VMS SMART thinners you will achieve professional result without spending fortune on small bottles of airbrush thinners!

Strictly for enamels!

Blue "ENML" icon denotes a product suited to work with enamel (solvent based) paints. Enamels come in tinlets and glass jars. This product is compatible with enamels by Humbrol®, Tamiya®, Revell®, Model Master® and equivalents. Not suited for acrylics!

Airbrush Thinner 2.0 enamel

Substitute for more expensive stock thinners but just as good. Now you don't have to limit yourself to tiny bottles of stock thinners or try to to find substitutes in hardware shop. This thinner is wide spectrum, high purity product that works great with all enamels currently on the market. Remedies most common problems with enamels such as orange peel, paint running, and "sandpaper effect" (flocked, coarse surface). Doesn't dry too fast which eliminates airbrush clogging, especially on hot days.


Excellent for painting with a brush - softens brush marks, and levels the coat. Low odour thanks to low aromatic content. Tested with all contemporary brands. Doesn't cause broken pigment dispersion effect even if the paint is heavily diluted. 

Recommended techniques: Airbrush and brush

Combine with: All brands of solvent-based (enamel) paints

Available volumes: 30 ml dropper bottle, 200 ml refill

Airbrush thinners 2.0 ENML FAQ

Manufacturer recommends their own thinner for best results, won't 3rd party thinner like this cause problems?


Not really. The warning you can see on your paint bottle is a precaution as people often experiment when it comes to paint thinning. Experiments may cause all sorts of problems with coat quality and overall painting experience. VMS Thinners were extensively tested therefore experimentation is not a case. The warning doesn't apply as we made sure that you won't experience any problems while using our thinner. Therefore you may go ahead and use VMS thinners with your enamels.   


Broad spectrum thinners that can work with just any enamel paint?


Sure they can, it is all about the right composition. Our enamel thinners are proprietary combination of aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbon fluids with varying boiling ranges ensuring gradual paint drying and curing. 


All company, product and service names used in this website are for informational purposes only. Use of names, logos, and brands does not imply endorsement. Due to technical constrains actual products' colours may differ from presentations on this site, full colour accuracy of paints, powders and pastes is not guaranteed. 

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